People scream about we Indians not having changed our attitude even 60 years after independance and blame this for our country still carrying the "Developing" tag. But I disagree with all these people. We are still a developing country because our attitudes have undergone a sea change. Yes, We have become obsessed with secularism. Or I call it minority appeasment. Be it the media or the politician, "be the champion of the minorities" has become the buzz word. This at the cost of the Hindus for no fault of their own.
We have a prime minister talking of minorities getting first use of all resources. And yes for what. We have madam Maya who wants to be the champion of the dalits. Then there is Ajith Singh jee who wants reservation for OBCs everywhere. Talk of degrading the standards of high profile institutions.
So what is wrong with the majority community here. Well they have just become numb. They have become people who just will not react. Any one can paint the Hindu godess in the nude and in any way according to his whims and fancies, and you justify it calling it freedom of expression. Imagine what could happen if someone painted Jesus Christ or the Prophet in similar fashion. The same people who talk about artistic freedom, will take up cudgels can call it misuse of freedom or call him communal. Oh, of course they were the champions of the minority.
You still have people blaming Narendra Modi for the 2000 Godhra Fiasco. We have images of Muslims being burnt with tags like human rights violation. Yes afterall the kar-sevaks inside the train were not human and they did not have no rights.
Yes veyr true about all that you have written. How we feel when being made to look like second class citizens...
You are unecessarily blaming all us muslim brothers...
WTH Mr. Aamir... DO u think any of the things I said is actually wrong... Dont be so ridiculous
Last para: What happened (rather, was done) to Kar-sewaks was despicable. But that doesn't justify CM's act of encouragement to rioters.
The reason why a civilized society doesn't follow medieval practice of 'An eye for an eye' is because it leaves the whole society blind.
I can understand your empathy and angst towards the people who burnt the train, but tell me Aditya: If your same-religion friend kills an ABC religion guy, does that give anybody a 'License to Kill' you? It doesn't, right? Thats why you cannot answer one Human Rights Violation with another.
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