Saturday, August 22, 2009
First Flight
It was the first time I got into an aircraft. In fact reached the airport a good one and a half hour before the scheduled reporting time. Too early, and I could not even go have a smoke cos I had my parents standing right next to me. Could not send them back home, cos they'd not come to see me off, they were... Wait, I was traveling with them to Delhi. And we sat there and sat there and sat there. I rated 21 air hostesses(or the staff, who cares) and another 47 passengers(or their relatives, who cares). Yes, I was counting too! As the 68th beautiful damsel(its another fact that I'd rated many of them one out of ten, but this one got an 8), I heard an announcement that I cant exactly recall, but it definitely got us moving to the 'god-knows-what-name' lounge. As we stood there I saw 3 tunnels. And a display above each one giving the flight number and Destination. No I did not think it was the aircraft parked there. But then we took one of the tunnels, which turned out to be just 10meters long and we were in to the runway. No wait it was not the runway, it was... uh whatever the name was. That was where aircrafts were parked. But then we got into a bus from there. It wasn't recession so there was no way I'd think they'd take us to Delhi in a bus with Jet Airways, I think, written all over it. Not that I would have had a problem with that, the bus was just amazing, for someone used to traveling by BMTC. Well those were before the days of Volvos and Marcopolos and the Mercs buses(Yes you can find Mercedes buses running on Bangalore-Mysore route now). As I got out of the bus, there stood a majestic Boeing 737(go verify that :p). Oow I'm getting into this! I'd love to see that 8/10 air-hostess on board getting me chocolate candies. As we got in we were greeted by No. 69, 5.5/10. She had a tray in hand with some dumb(is that teh word) chocolates. As we entered the cabin. No wait not the cabin, or was it. Whatever, No 70 4/10 now took us to our seats. The seat numbers were F something, cant recall the exact numbers. I didnt want the window seat, I wanted to be closer to where No 68 would come. So I let dad have the window seat and luckily no one came to take the middle seat. Some more time I sat there and No 70 kept walking around. It was time for take off! Lights were glowing. Seat belt time. Some one spoke over the speakers while No 70 stood at the front and proved she'd watched the Sunday 1pm(i think) news on DD1 regularly. I looked upto check if the oxygen masks would come down. They didnt. Now the flight started moving slowly. Taxiing is what they call it. I looked out of the window. Nothing worthwhile, but I knew we were on the runway(yes it was). Now there was sudden acceleration and no I was not thrown back. A few seconds and I could make out the difference in sound(well I think I did) as the flight took off. Wow that really was a sight as I saw HAL and Marathalli under us. Someone, Must have been the captain or the pilot(are both the same?), kept telling us the altitude. After some time I didnt know the altitude, but I could see the clouds. Did I tell you, theyd given us some wet towels. Didnt know what that was for, but I just aped dad. I eagerly waited for an announcement saying 'We're running into rough weather, expect some turbulence'. Ah no such thing did happen, but they announced they'd be serving lunch. I picked up a newspaper or a magazine, jet airways one.. Still turned around the pages. The trolley meanwhile reached our seat. I slowly looked up expecting No 68 or even a good enough No. 71. Eyes met her chest. And then up, beard! Up, turban! She was a he. A sardarji. "Veg or Non-veg sir" he asked twice. My dad said some thing. I took the parcel from him, disappointment all over my face. The food was not bad, in fact was good. Nice fish curry and all. Three hours after getting into the flight(or was it 3.5) one more announcement to fasten our seat belts. And whoo the touch down gave me a better high than the take off. One day I'd want to fly something similar. We got out of the flight and into the bus and I started counting again, 71, 72, 73. We waited for our baggage near a chain or a belt(Now I realize that I dont know the names for a lot of things, including the 81 rated pieces, which went upto 97 by the time, I got into my brothers car. I actually wanted to write a story here, but turned out to be something else. Any way I've written and that after 3 months! Good job Adi.
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